The CSA is designed to bring together the diversity of the emerging carsharing industry and tackle its challenges in a collective and constructive fashion. Your involvement in these activities will connect you to the leading edge of the evolution of carsharing. It’s an opportunity to be part of the decision-making process in the future of carsharing. Develop your network through our conferences and events.
Conferences and Events
CSA hosts a major carsharing conference every year. The event is known for the quality of presentation content, its interactive nature and networking value. It is a unique opportunity for carsharing operators, civic and transportation officials, insurers, and suppliers to learn from one another and help shape the future of the carsharing industry. The CSA also represents its members at other events related to transportation, public transit, and progressive environmental policy. See the presentations given at the 2013 Toronto Conference.
Industry Reports, Statistics and Publications
CSA offers a variety of publications for the benefit of its members, published in a newsletter available exclusively members and affiliates.
CSA supports carsharing-related research. Recent research has focused on vehicle utilization, financial performance, and public transit ridership. Studies quantifying environmental impacts (i.e. reductions GHG emissions and vehicle miles travelled attributable to carsharing) have also been performed.
CSA collects operating and financial statistics for two-way, peer-to-peer, and one-way forms of carsharing. We also compile rate structure details, trip data, driver demographics and more. CSA statistics are available to members only.
The CSA Membership Directory is a listing of CSA-member carsharing organizations, suppliers and government agencies, with specific contact details. Updated annually, the Directory is a tool for building contacts and accessing services and suppliers in the industry. The Directory is available only to CSA members and affiliates.
Policy formulation in the emerging area of shared vehicles is complex, affects many stakeholders, and is highly influenced by those who have the time and resources to promote their interests and gain the support of politicians and senior bureaucrats. CSA works to ensure the development of regulations on parking, licensing and insurance are favourable to carsharing organizations. Your membership ensures that your views and concerns are heard and included in the process.
Increased public support for carsharing will only happen if its benefits can be communicated effectively. When governments are seeking solutions to transportation problems, it is critical that the voice of carsharing is heard. There are many individual organizations who can speak to the social and environmental benefits of carsharing, but the loudest voice should come from an association whose members make up the carsharing industry.
Roaming Agreements with other Carsharing Organizations
Member carsharing organizations can enter into roaming agreements with other carsharing organizations through the CSA. This allows their member-drivers to easily access car share vehicles when visiting other cities.
Technical Services
CSA personnel are carsharing specialists with broad expertise in carsharing planning, operations, marketing, technology and policy. Through our network of national and international contacts, we remain abreast of developments in the various forms of carsharing and the environments where carsharing is succeeding. CSA technical assistance is an exclusive service available to members only.
The CSA offers sponsorship opportunities at CSA conferences and events and in CSA publications. For more information, please contact us.