Carsharing provides environmental and social benefits to the communities in which it operates. As a business service, it reduces the number of vehicles driven in our cities, eases the burden on the public road infrastructure, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants, and reduces the cost of transportation for the local populace. Carsharing is a reliable and flexible alternative to car ownership and is becoming an increasingly important factor in the transportation equation, aiming to assume the role of a new service of public interest as part of a sustainable transportation network.
Faced with major social and economic challenges in our communities, organizations evolving in the International carsharing industry must adapt and constantly progress. This implies high stakes for all carsharing organizations (CSOs) as well as for the partners, customers, governments, public transportation authorities and public that work with these organizations. Confidence in the efficacy, viability, sustainability, mission and value of carsharing is required to ensure a strong value proposition for all constituencies.
This Code of Ethics defines the context and expectations of our industry as a whole. This Code specifies the standards that we the signatories will follow and sets the tone for what is considered proper professional conduct. This Code of Ethics is not intended to address all situations or issues and allows each organization, with the necessary degree of latitude, to exercise its own judgment in supporting the ethics, integrity and professionalism of the industry. That said, this Code of Ethics represents an opportunity for us as a unified group to define clear expectations in order to ensure a high level of performance and adherence to the standards that we have set for ourselves.
We believe that the Code of Ethics guidelines defined herein represent sound business practices that will support our partners, customers, governments, public transportation authorities, the public trust and their confidence in doing business with the signatories. By this Code of Ethics, signatories demonstrate to all our commitment to the Code’s good business practices by displaying our allegiance to the principals, tenets, intent and socially responsible ethics expressed.