About the CSA

The Carsharing Association (CSA) is a member-based organization that focuses on raising the profile of the positive impacts of carsharing and supports the growth and advancement of the global carsharing industry.

What is carsharing?

Carsharing is a membership-based service that provides car access without ownership. Carsharing is mobility on demand, where members pay only for the time and/or distance they drive.

Every carsharing organization (CSO) is different, but carsharing has a number of distinct characteristics that are the same within every CSO:

Guided by environmental and social principles

Carsharing is defined by its environmental and social purpose, rather than just business and financial objectives.

Local impact and community transit

Carsharing is designed for local users in support of community transit and environmental goals. Its mission, vision and values lead to actions aimed at decreasing personal car ownership, reducing vehicle distance travelled, improving urban land use and development, providing affordable access to vehicles for all constituencies, as well as motivating residents to walk, cycle and take buses and trains, and decreasing dependence on fossil fuels while reducing the emission of greenhouse gases.

Providing membership based services

Carsharing is a membership based service available to all qualified drivers in a community. No separate written agreement is required each time a member reserves and uses a vehicle. All CSOs offer members access to a dispersed network of shared vehicles 24-hours, 7 days a week at unattended self-service locations.

goal & mission of the CSA

Benefits of Carsharing

Carsharing provides a crucial infrastructure for cities and has significant environmental and social benefits to the communities in which it operates. As a business/organizational service, it reduces the number of vehicles driven in our cities, eases the burden on the public road infrastructure, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants, and reduces the cost of transportation for the local populace.

Carsharing is the only shared mobility option that provides the user with the opportunity to drive the car to where they want to go. It is the only option that is a reliable and flexible alternative to car ownership and plays the pivotal role as part of a sustainable transportation network.

Contact the CSA to learn more.

board of directors

Peter Krahenbuhl

Erin Sullivan

Scott Neely

Christopher Vanneste

Marco Viviani