The main objective of the Code of Ethics is to establish professional business standards that will protect and enhance the concept, the image, the credibility and the sustainability of carsharing in North America.
This Code of Ethics provides guidance for carsharing organizations by establishing shared expectations and professional business standards to help our industry become one of the major transit modes of the future and a complement to other sustainable transportation. This Code will ensure our business partners, customers, governments, public transportation authorities and the public in general receive reliable, convenient, environmentally sound and affordable services.
While this Code of Ethics establishes objectives for the signatories’ businesses, it does not dictate how these objectives should be reached, leaving those decisions up to each signatory to best operate in each of our communities.
Other objectives are
>> Social and environmental commitment
We believe that as global corporate citizens, it is not enough to successfully offer useful products and services. Our businesses should protect and improve our environment, promote sustainable development, and conduct business affairs in a way that is socially responsible. We attach the utmost importance to social dialogue and we fully assume our responsibility as leaders and are committed to sustainable development. Each signatory will ensure that these commitments are successfully carried through.
>> Establish and maintain standards for the carsharing industry
An organization’s level of ethics is becoming an important criterion for selecting a product or service around the world. This Code is designed to establish and maintain standards for carsharing in North America and to guide ethical “business to customer” and “business to business” conduct for our industry. This will allow signatories to take on new challenges and create value for the benefit of our employees, partners, customers, governments and society.
>> Quality of service
The Code of Ethics aims to ensure and safeguard the quality of service provided by the signatories to the public we serve. We acknowledge that the establishment and maintenance of high standards of practice are a fundamental responsibility to the public and the public good, essential to winning and preserving customer confidence, and critical to the foundation and sustainability of a successful carsharing industry in North America. The Code of Ethics helps ensure that the public can use carsharing with confidence; they will be provided with accurate information about all services.
>> Fair competition
The Code of Ethics focuses on orderly and courteous professional conduct among signatories. In addition to stating the rules that govern our actions, the Code of Ethics is an expression of shared fundamental values and represents a framework for decision-making. We recognize the importance of integrity and discipline in our operations and how we relate to each other. We pledge to practice the highest standards of accuracy, fairness and professionalism.
>> Quality of information
One objective of this Code is to set a basis for CSOs to provide consistent and clear information for customers, partners and governments on metrics, statistics, charges and services, so that those parties are better able to make informed decisions.